
The FrontRest Point of Sale software is a very intuitive working tool. To use it you don't need any IT knowledge or training. All sales functions, configuration and statistics have been designed for touch screens:"What you see on screen is what you get", avoiding costly learning processes and possible errors.
Main features of FrontRest
Sales Screen
User Configuration: all sales functions are user configurable. There are over 110 different functions to customize a user profile based on the user's access.
Graphical display: the items are displayed graphically on screen, grouped by families. For the selection of an item only have to dial the section and following the item in question.
Images: you can attach images to the items on the sales screen to identify them easily.
Fixed items: the top-selling items, even of different sections can be grouped in a special section of 'Fixed items', directly accessible from the sale screen.
Screens Tables: living screens and tables are configured by the user, having the tables, counters, etc.. just as in the restaurant. Moreover, the state of the evidence is displayed graphically on screen, being free, occupied, reserved, subtotal,etc.
Sales on hold: you may have a pending sale by table, waiter or customer to serve another table or sale.
Rates Depending on the schedule: you can apply different rates for sessions. There is an automatic change of rates depending on the time.
Daily Menus: FrontRest includes the creation of daily menus can combine items from different sections for the preparation of menus.
Distinction in the range of dishes: the program distinguishes between first courses, main courses and sweets.
Modifiers: to follow in detail the preparation of dishes, switches can be associated with items (just well-done, with potatoes without salt, etc..)
Formats: it provides for the sale of items in various formats (shot, cocktail, glass with ice, etc..) can associate a different price for each format.
Combined: FrontRest to create combined elements consist of two items about a format of type 'combo' quickly (whiskey and cola, vodka and lemonade, etc..)
Invoicing by time : You can apply time invoicing for items such as pool tables, etc..
Invitations: with the option price invitations can be assigned 0 to one, several or all lines in a ticket. Then can be obtained a report containing the extract of all the invitations that have been made.
Scale Connection: FrontRest allows the connection of scales for those items that are sold by weight. The program captures the weight that indicates the scale and it shows in the sale screen.
Printing kitchen: customer orders can be printed on different printers depending on the item being requested. A meal is printed on the grill or kitchen printer, while a drink is printed bar printer.
Control staff presence
FrontRest includes monitoring staff presence, and can record the entry and exit of themselves through passwords or cards with magnetic stripe waiter.
The program also lets you connect a biometric reader to identify employees by fingerprint, thus avoiding tricks or deception by them, since the fingerprint is not possible to record an employee without to be present at the facility.
Screens in kitchen
Computer Screen: the kitchen can be viewed on screen all orders received from FrontRest orTeleComanda , and the time elapsed since the entry of until an order is served. Similarly, when a dish is served is removed from the list of pending orders to serve.
Kitchen Screen: also can be viewed on screen cooking the total units of each of the dishes to prepare, showing a color change through increased or reduction of units to prepare.
Kitchen screen allows two methods: real time or through stock available.
Aggregation of a sale
Ticket Printing: normally, in the sum of a printed a ticket sale. But you can also complete a sale as associating a customer invoice.
Various types of payment: aggregation on the screen, the user must select the method of payment. If the amount given by the customer exceeds the total sale, it displays the amount to be returned as change. You can also assign a sale several forms of payment. For example, some cash and the rest on credit.
Credit Sales : for credit sales, the user is required to indicate the customer is achieved, for further control and monitoring of recovery.
Multi-Currency Application: you may charge a sale even in two or more different currencies, calculating amounts depending on the type of exchange. When selecting a coin are displayed on screen for different types of notes and coins to facilitate the introduction of the charge given by the client.
Payment by Credit Card : it can be paid by credit card by connecting the phone from the same terminal. When the payment of a sale is made with magnetic credit card or debit card, the reading is done from the Front itself without using another device. The bank statement always coincides with the closing cash, because if a card is incorrect Point of Sale requires select another form of payment.
Printing subtotal: you can print a subtotal for submission to the table before the sale definitely totalising and indicate the method of payment.
Payments: the payment option can divide a bill into parts for the same table.
Different ticket designs: to give a better service at point of sale, you can define different designs to print the document that is given to the customer. Also, the ticket can be printed in different languages because FrontRest to define the language of the ticket printing the item description in the selected language.
Link FrontHotel: FrontRest links directly to the Hotel software, allowing room to load the drinks made in the cafeteria.
Warehouse Control
Purchase Module: FrontRest includes a full purchase module useful both for predicting purchases as for manual entry of tally of purchase.
Includes a smart wizard for creating purchase orders according to stock a minimum. This allows for an automatic replacement bars.
The program allows keeping different tariffs for suppliers. At the time of a purchase order, the program proposes the best purchase price automatically.
Several Warehouses inventories are possible.
Sets: FrontRest allows creation and innovation maintenance of sets. When an item is sold FrontRestbreakdown, its components are automatically removed from stock, knowing in real time stock components.
Statistics and closings
Cash Closing: FrontRest forced to do at least one daily cash closing, because in a closed box can not be movements over a day.
Before visualizing cash box, the user must declare all cash for each of the currencies used, detailing the number of banknotes and coins of each value.
After the declaration of cash, it prints the closing cash (also known as Z). In the closing cash box is displayed cash (the difference between the calculation done by the program and the amount declared by the user). For configuration, you can add a series of reports to supplement the information of the day: sales breakdown (by type of payment by seller or by department), audit reports (price changes made, returns, etc. ...), discounts.
Sales Inquiry: from the same screen can be checked quickly all sales of previous days with option 'Daily Sales'.
Extensive statistical: FrontRest also has an extensive collection of reports and graphs to monitor and analyze all the movements produced in the restaurant.