
FrontRetail is the ideal solution for point of sale in a shop. Thanks to its visual screens design, FrontRetail is a tool very intuitive and easy for the seller, and doesn't need any IT knowledge or training. Moreover, all the sale functions, control and statistics are designed for touch screens, avoiding costly learning processes for the end user.
FrontRetail is highly customizable, providing a solution for each need: boutiques, shoe shops, sport stores, perfume stores, electrical appliance, supermarkets, etc. Moreover, its scalability allows to fit to client's dimension, from a small store to a chain with hundreds of establishments.
Main features of FrontRetail
Sales screen
All sales functions are user configurable. There are over 70 different functions to personalize an user profile depending on the type of sale and the user's access.
The fastest way to sell an item is to read its barcode with a barcode reader. By reading the barcode immediately identify the size and color of the article.
If instead of the barcode reference introduces the item, are displayed automatically sizes and colors of the item.
After typing an item in the sale screen, displays the photograph.
There are multiple ways to find an item, if no barcode:
Internal reference or manufacturer.
Department, section, family and subfamily.
Online brand.
Search screen displays an item selling price and the stock to facilitate the location of the item you are looking for.
Provided user is authorized, with one keystroke you can:
See all item sale rates.
Check item stock in other stores or warehouses of the company.
See if the item is reserved and to whom.
Consult if the item is paid and to whom.
Check if there are supplier replacements pending to be received.
Change units sales.
Change sale price.
Change line discount or total discount.
Aggregation of a sale
Normally, when totalizing a sale, a ticket is printed. However, FrontBoutique lets you define other types of documents for the aggregation of Sales invoices, delivery notes, delivery notes ...
Aggregation screen, the user must select the method of payment. If the amount given by the customer exceeds the total sale, it displays the amount to be returned as change.
Can also assign a sale several types of payment. Ex: a cash or other credit.
For credit sales, the user is required to indicate the customer is achieved, for further control and monitoring of collection.
FrontBoutique is a multi-currency program. You may charge a sale even in two or more different currencies, calculating amounts depending on the type of exchange. When selecting a coin, are displayed on screen for different types of notes and coins to facilitate the introduction of the charge given by the client.
If vouchers or checks are accepted, the user can enter the identification number to know later the origin of it.
To provide better service at point of sale, you can define different layouts for printing the document to delivery to the customer. For example, different languages.
There are also two ways to stop the sale on hold before total: by seller or customer.
Customer loyalty
FrontBoutique allows to create records of clients in the database, to establish special conditions to them (form of payment, price list, discounts ...) and also subsequent tracking of their purchases to detect preferences and purchasing patterns, trends, etc..
At any time during a sale, you can select which client should be assigned to the same.
When assigning a customer to the sale, system will show some indications on the sale screen to know in detail the status of the customer's account. The indications are:
RISK: In the client's file you can assign a limit of credit. This indication is triggered if the total outstanding credit of the customer exceeds the amount defined in her profile. Also it is activated if the customer has returned a bill, note, check, etc.. If the user is not authorized to sell a customer credit risk, he will have to select a cash payment by totaling the sale or a user authorization request supervisor.
LOANS: This indication is activated if the client already has lent items. This indication is off by totaling as sale items or in the case provided that the customer returned in perfect condition.
PENDING: This indication warns that the customer has a balance in our favor, ie, credit sales has not yet settled. To repay the debt, the user must use the Collections button on the sale screen.
ADVANCES: This indication warns that the customer has a balance in his favor. This balance in his favor may have originated in two different ways: through a delivery to account when making a reservation or a ticket generation when he returned an item and has not been returned the amount. When totaling a sale, advances can be assigned to reduce the amount of current sales with the balance available to the client.
ARRANGEMENTS: This indication warns that the customer has left items to fix: shortening, belting, etc.. With the button the user can search such arrangements, arrangement or enter a new customer to deliver an item that is settled. The repairs could be with or without additional cost on the sale.
ORDERS: This indication warns that the client has reserved items. With the reservations button, the user can view them, make new reservations or totalization as sales. For each reservation, the user can enter the expected date of delivery, amounts paid on account, cancel expenses and observations.
For codified costumers the sale can be totalized as delivery note. Periodically, since ICGManager, can be performed automatically check all deliveries outstanding customer.
There specific functions to query any information about the client: purchases made detailing the date, item and the price, payment term of credit sales, etc..
Statistics and cash closings
FrontBoutique forces to do at least one daily cash closing, because in a closed box can not have more movements a day.
Before visualizing cash closing, the user must declare all cash for each of the currencies used, detailing the number of banknotes and coins of each value.
After the declaration of cash, it prints the closing cash (also known as Z). In the closing cash box is displayed cash (the difference between the calculation done by the program and the amount declared by the user). For configuration, you can add a series of reports to supplement the information of the day: sales breakdown (by way of payment by seller or by department), complete reports (price changes made , returns, etc. ...), discounts.
FrontBoutique also has an extensive collection of reports and graphs to monitor and analyze all the movements in the store.
Communications with a central database
FrontBoutique can communicate with a central database, managed with ICGManager, in two different ways:
In real time: The store is connected online with the database of the Headquarter. All movements generated by a chain of stores are updated and displayed in real time on the same database. It is the only recommended way if you want to check stocks and amounts outstanding of all the shops in any of them.
Delayed time: The store has its own database. When doing cash closing, it exports automatically sales and other transactions to Headquarter. The items and price changes made by the Headquarter are also regularly imported.