Agent POS at NEAA
A. Grabowski February 2014
Leading Point of Sale Systems Provider Highlighted New Tablet POS
Houston, TX 2/3/2014 8:20:00 AM -Agent POS, a leading provider of Point of Sale systems announced the realease of a new tablet POS, HIOtablet, the tablet with no monthly fees at the NEAA Winter Conference held in Mt. Snow, Vermont on January 28-30, 2014.
"Launching HIOtablet at NEAA's 2014 conference was exciting," said Frank Grabowski, Vice President of Sales & Marketing. "HIOtablet was well received by the more than 90 participants that visited our booth. What really helps agents is that HIOtablet has a built-in installation wizard and 17 built in templates with thousands of pre-installed items."

Agent POS in ISO & Agent
A Grabowski November 2013
Only the Heroes at HIOPOS would offer the easiest POS software available on a tablet! Experience the HIOPOS difference:
-28 years Experience
-Low Cost
-Easty to Sell
-Works with ALL Processors
Tablet can be used stand alone or can talk to 15" HIOPOS All-on-one Terminals...

Agent POS in ISO & Agent
A Grabowski July 2013
All-in-one Point of Sale System for $ 1699.00. Built-in Instillation Wizard walks merchant through set up process. The easist POS System ever made...